Sunday 11 September 2011

Henry Ford Quotes

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
翻译:当一切不顺利时,记得飞机是逆风起飞, 而不是顺风起飞的。

Saturday 14 May 2011

Shiraz Viognier - new popular wine style

The shiraz viognier blend has a softer feel than a full-bodies shiraz. By co-fermenting the fruit, the white viognier adds a floral dimension to the shiraz, resulting in a silky, soft finish and a liveliness to the palate.

McGuigan Shiraz Viognier has a juicy berry fruits flavour with a background vanila character. Matured in French and American oak for 12 months this wine is ready to drink now and will cellar for five years.

Ferment - 发酵

1. 【解】上颚
2. 味觉 -
a dinner to delight the palate.
3. 趣味;嗜好

2. 橡木[U]

1. 地下室,地窖[C]
We're building a potato cellar.
2. 酒窖;藏酒[C]
Our neighbor keeps a good cellar.
3. 【美】【口】最低点;(体育比赛的)最后一名[the S]
The revitalized team came from the cellar to win the pennant.
That TV station was in the ratings cellar.

Sunday 17 April 2011

原油 vs 汽油

大家应该都知道原油和汽油时有差别的吧。汽油是petrol, 那原油英文是叫什么的?
让我分享一则msn的新闻 :

With crude prices surging beyond $100 a barrel, and politicians preaching the need to reduce America's reliance on foreign supplies, companies are now looking for more local sources.

原油答案就是crude oil 啦

*preach 传道, 讲道, 说教, 宣讲, 鼓吹

Thursday 31 March 2011

Roam like a Tourist and Shoot Like a Pro.

国家地理杂志摄影师 David McLain 为SONY 拍摄的NEX 广告, 口号是 "Roam like a tourist, shoot like a pro"!!!


Monday 21 March 2011


这是一则The Sun 的新闻,报道说有许多民众都因辐射超标而心中不安,只好离开东京避难。

Panic swept Tokyo yesterday after a rise in radioactive levels around an earthquake-hit nuclear power plant, causing some to leave the capital or stock up food and supplies.
*swept sweep过去分词. 除了扫除,也可以说成席卷。Sweep the floor, swept the election..

Saturday 12 March 2011

WE PRAY FOR JAPAN - 女神卡卡义卖手环。

日本地震发生后, 女神卡卡在廿四小时之内,马上设计出一款「WE PRAY FOR JAPAN」(为日本祈福)的手环义卖,一只五美元。

每当有任何天灾发生时, 常常看见了某某明星出面筹款,发动义卖,呼吁歌迷捐款等等。不管这当中有几分是真心, 有几分是作秀,只要最后得益的是灾民,哪又有何妨呢?

来看看 女神卡卡 post 了些什么?
"I designed a Japan Prayer Bracelet. Buy It/Donate here and all proceeds will go to Tsunami relief efforts. "

我们常用的Proceed 是动词,表示是继续进行, 而Proceeds 是名词,表示收益, 收入。
所以这一段大意是 “我设计了为日本祈福手环,大家可以在这里购买。所有的收入作为救灾用途。”

8.9 级地震

今天正和日本的同事日本聊天,突然他们告诉我日本发生地震, 要离开办公司。察看了新闻,才发现那里发生 8.9 级地震。 直到放工了,我还没有在收到他们的reply了。 因为火车停工了,还有一些同事被逼呆留待办公室过夜。
下面是我从yahoo news 我抄了一篇新闻
 An 8.9 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Northeast Japan spawned a ferocious tsunami that's caused massive destruction; flattening whole cities, starting raging fires, and killing hundreds. 
8.9 级地震, 英文就是8.9 magnitude earthquake。我们记住这个8.9 magnitude earthquake, 下周用这问一下日本的同事,希望大家平安无事吧。
*spawned=To produce or deposit (spawn),  to give rise to
*ferocious=savagely fierce or cruel, 凶猛