Saturday 14 May 2011

Shiraz Viognier - new popular wine style

The shiraz viognier blend has a softer feel than a full-bodies shiraz. By co-fermenting the fruit, the white viognier adds a floral dimension to the shiraz, resulting in a silky, soft finish and a liveliness to the palate.

McGuigan Shiraz Viognier has a juicy berry fruits flavour with a background vanila character. Matured in French and American oak for 12 months this wine is ready to drink now and will cellar for five years.

Ferment - 发酵

1. 【解】上颚
2. 味觉 -
a dinner to delight the palate.
3. 趣味;嗜好

2. 橡木[U]

1. 地下室,地窖[C]
We're building a potato cellar.
2. 酒窖;藏酒[C]
Our neighbor keeps a good cellar.
3. 【美】【口】最低点;(体育比赛的)最后一名[the S]
The revitalized team came from the cellar to win the pennant.
That TV station was in the ratings cellar.